Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Wow - this challenge has really made me examine my priorities. I have recently started blogging and spend some time doing it. Somehow I always have time. When I accepted this challenge, I decided that I would not blog until I had read my assignment for the day. That has really put a crimp in my blogging! . . . and made me realize that priorities are something that I always need to re-examine. What a blessing to have this challenge and re-aim my focus.

Speaking of which, I had better get off here and read my assignment for the day!


Malerie said...

yeah. I've noticed, too, that when I make my reading a priority in my day, I enjoy it more and my days go better. Such a simple concept and yet so hard sometimes!!!

chelsea mckell said...

So true.
Way to go on disciplining yourself to put off blogging!