Sunday, May 10, 2009

My motivation

Yes, I am motivated to read the Book of Mormon in one month because of Twilight.
Stop sneering at me.
I can explain.
See, this morning when I saw Malerie's blog post about this little escapade, I initially thought, "nice idea. Too bad I just don't have the time to read that much."
But fortunately my husband was there to give me a kick in the pants. He's always good for that. I shared the idea and my qualm with him, and he kindly reminded me that I've read 4 thick novels in the last couple weeks.

[insert foot in mouth]
So that's how I got roped into this. Not by guilt - I despise doing things with that motive - but by the simple realization that I DO have time - I just have to CHOOSE to.
So - here we go! I've grabbed a small paperback copy for this project so I can keep it in my purse. With the great weather we've been having, I'm sure to be spending a lot of time at the park with my little girl. Perfect time to get in some reading!


Malerie said...

Haha, I completely had the same conversation in my head. I can whiz through books (yes, Twilight - how are you liking it by the way?), but can't seem to read 3 verses of scripture without getting distracted or dozing off. So thank you Brian for putting us on track :) And thanks, Chelsea, for kicking this off with your awesome post. I'm glad you're in! Too bad we can't let the girls play together while we read...but then we'd probably just end up chatting!

Linn said...

Fabulous post! I had the same thought. I can read three or four books a month, but I don't have enough time to read the Book of Mormon in one month? Something isn't right here. Thanks for the great reminder!

Dear Chicka said...

Totally doing it Chelsea! My inspiration...Harry Potter...

mtanner said...

is anyone else already behind? i stink.

Tiffany said...

That is really good motivation! I am so happy that malerie started this and invited us to do this. It has been tough trying to find time to read with my two little ones running all around and demanding lots of attention. But I am getting some in here and there. I am going to keep track on my progress on my blog so that people can nag/encourage me to keep going.